Reciprocal Club Arrangements

All members wishing to visit reciprocal clubs must be introduced with a Letter of Introduction from the Wanderers Club. This must also be done in good time before the proposed visit.

The Hurlingham Club in London has advised us that they will no longer accept reciprocal visits from Wanderers members unless a Letter of Introduction has been received by them prior to the visit.

Should you have any queries in this regard please e-mail who is the responsible person for reciprocity at The Wanderers Club. Please note that only full members in good standing and resident in South Africa may qualify for a letter of introduction to overseas reciprocal clubs.

The Wanderers Club has reciprocity agreements with dozens of clubs both here in South Africa and overseas. One of the criteria for enjoying these clubs facilities and hospitality is that individuals need to have been a member of Wanderers in good standing for a minimum of 18 months. In addition to this, certain clubs require a letter of introduction in terms of any proposed visit For all enquiries, including letters of introduction, please contact Doreen at